Managing Reverse DNS

When creating a Floating IP or a Port with an external network a reverse DNS entry is automatically created.
The default reverse DNS entry might not be what you want, so you have the ability to change it in the OpenStack Dashboard.

Floating IP

Floating IP’s are managed seperately from the other IP’s in OpenStack. If you want to change your reverse DNS for a floating IP, you can do this in the OpenStack Dashboard or using the OpenStack CLI.

To edit the Reverse DNS of Floating IP using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Edit a Floating IP Reverse DNS using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To edit the Reverse DNS of Floating IP using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Edit a Floating IP Reverse DNS using the OpenStack CLI section.

Edit a Floating IP Reverse DNS using the OpenStack Dashboard

If you want to change your reverse DNS for a floating IP, you can do this in the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Reverse DNS.

Step 3
Click on the Set button behind the Floating IP you want the change the Reverse DNS for.

Step 4
Enter the new Reverse DNS and click on the Submit button. (The new Reverse DNS will be active within 5 minutes)

Note: When allocating a new Floating IP to your project, you can also set the DNS Domain and DNS Name to configure the Reverse DNS. (Please make sure the DNS Domain ends with a dot)

Your Reverse DNS for your FloatingIP will now be changed, it might take a few minutes before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Edit a Floating IP Reverse DNS using the OpenStack CLI

If you want to change your reverse DNS for a floating IP, you can do this in the OpenStack CLI.

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2 Run the following command to retrieve all the current reverse DNS entries for Floating IP’s in your project:

openstack ptr record list

Step 3 Run the following command to change the reverse DNS for a Floating IP. Make sure to replace <ptr_record_id> with the ID of the reverse DNS entry and <record-name> with the new reverse DNS you want to set (make sure it ends with a dot).

openstack ptr record set <ptr_record_id> <record-name>

Your Reverse DNS for your FloatingIP will now be changed, it might take a few minutes before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Public / Rented Range / BYoIP IP range

If you want to change your reverse DNS for an IPv4/IPv6 address, you can do this in the OpenStack Dashboard.
Changing the Reverse DNS is a bit more complicated for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses since they are not shown in the Reverse DNS tab like Floating IP’s.

To edit the Reverse DNS for a Public / Rented Range / BYoIP IP using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Edit a Reverse DNS for an IPv4/IPv6 address using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To edit the Reverse DNS for a Public / Rented Range / BYoIP IP using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Edit a Reverse DNS for an IPv4/IPv6 address using the OpenStack CLI section.

Edit a Reverse DNS for an IPv4/IPv6 address using the OpenStack Dashboard

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the NETWORK section and click on Networks.

Step 3
Click on the network in which the target IP address is located. (for example net-public)

Step 4
Click on the Ports tab.

Step 5
Click on the Edit Port button behind the port you want the change the Reverse DNS for.

Step 6
Change the Name of the port to the new Reverse DNS you want to set and click on the Save button. (The new Reverse DNS will be active within 5 minutes)

Note: When creating a new Port in your project, you can also set the DNS Domain and DNS Name to configure the Reverse DNS. (Please make sure the DNS Domain ends with a dot)

Your Reverse DNS for your port will now be changed, it might take a few minutes before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Edit a Reverse DNS for an IPv4/IPv6 address using the OpenStack CLI

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2 We will first need to retrieve the ID of the port on which the IP address is located for which we want to change the reverse DNS. Run the following command to retrieve a list of all the ports in your project:

openstack port list

Note: Add the --network <network-id/network-name> argument to the command to only list the ports in a specific network.

Note: Add the --server <server-id/server-name> argument to the command to only list the ports attached to a specific server (instance).

Your Reverse DNS for your port will now be changed, it might take a few minutes before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Step 3 Now that we have the ID of the port we can change the reverse DNS for the port. We can do this be renaming the port to the wanted reverse DNS. Make sure to replace <port-id> with the ID of the port and <record-name> with the new reverse DNS you want to set.

openstack port set <port-id> --name <record-name>

Private Address Range

Setting the reverse DNS for private IP ranges is not supported, if you would like to create a DNS zone for you private range we recommend creating an internal DNS server and setting the reverse DNS there. If you would like to know more about what the private address ranges are then you can find it in RFC1918.