Create a DNS zone

DNS is an essential part of any infrastructure and system. Within the OpenStack Environment you can use the designate service to create DNS zones. These DNS zones can be used to house your DNS records for you enviroment.

If you want to learn more about DNS and how it works, you can read the DNS Wikipedia page.

If you want to learn more about the designate service, you can read the OpenStack Designate documentation.

If you want to manage your Reverse DNS records please read the article about managing reverse DNS records.

Create the DNS Zone

To create a DNS zone you can use the OpenStack Dashboard or the OpenStack CLI.

To create a DNS zone using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Create a zone using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To create a DNS zone using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Create a zone using the OpenStack CLI section.

Create a zone using the OpenStack Dashboard

The following steps will guide you through the process of creating a DNS zone within OpenStack designate using the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Zones.

Step 3 Click on the Create Zone button right above the zone list (your zone list may be empty).

Step 4
Enter the zone Name for example (make sure the domain ends with a dot).

Step 5
Enter the Description (not required).

Step 6
Enter an Email Address which you want to use for the zone. Please be aware the email will be shown publicly in the SOA record. We recommend using an email address that is not personal like hostmaster@.

Step 7
Make sure the Type is set to Primary.

Step 8
Click on the Create Zone button after which you zone will be created.

Note: When creating a new zone in your project it might take a few minutes before it is resolvable from the outside world.

You can now procceed to retrieving the nameservers for the DNS zone. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Retrieve the Nameservers for the DNS section. If you have already setup the nameservers or you would like to first add records to the zone before changing your nameservers, you can read the Managing DNS Records article.

Create a zone using the OpenStack CLI

The following steps will guide you through the process of creating a DNS zone within OpenStack designate using the OpenStack CLI.

Step 1 First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2 Create a new DNS zone using the openstack command. Make sure to replace <zone-name> with the name of the zone you want to create and <email> with the email address you want to use for the zone. Be aware that the email will be shown publicly in the SOA record. We recommend using an email address that is not personal like hostmaster@.

openstack zone create <zone-name> --email <email>

Note: When creating a new zone in your project it might take a few minutes before it is resolvable from the outside world.

You can now procceed to retrieving the nameservers for the DNS zone. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Retrieve the Nameservers for the DNS section. If you have already setup the nameservers or you would like to first add records to the zone before changing your nameservers, you can read the Managing DNS Records article.

Retrieve the Nameservers for the DNS Zone

Nameservers are an essential part of the DNS system. They are the servers that hold the DNS records for a domain. When you create a DNS zone in OpenStack Designate, you will need to change the nameservers at your domain registrar to the ones provided by OpenStack Designate.

To create a DNS zone using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Retrieve nameservers using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To create a DNS zone using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Retrieve nameservers using the OpenStack CLI section.

Retrieve nameservers using the OpenStack Dashboard

The following steps will guide you through the process of retrieving the nameservers for a DNS zone within OpenStack Designate using the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Zones.

Step 3
Click on the name of the zone of which you want to retrieve the Nameservers from.

Step 4
Click on the Record Sets tab.

Step 5
Find the NS - Name server type (The Records of this entry are the nameservers normally something like ns1.* and ns2.*).

Step 6
Copy the Records of the NS - Name server type.

Step 7
Go to your domain registrar and change the nameservers to the ones you copied in the previous step.

Step 8
Wait for the nameserver change to propagate.

Note: When changing the nameservers at your domain registrar it might take a few hours before the change is propagated to the outside world.

Retrieve nameservers using the OpenStack CLI

The following steps will guide you through the process of retrieving the nameservers for a DNS zone within OpenStack Designate using the OpenStack CLI.

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2
We will first need to retrieve the ID of the zone we want to retrieve the nameservers from. Use the openstack command to list the zones and retrieve the ID of the zone you want to retrieve the nameservers from. You may already know the ID of the zone you want to retrieve the nameservers from if you have created the zone using the CLI.

openstack zone list

Step 3
Retrieve the nameservers for the DNS zone using the openstack command. Make sure to replace <zone-id> with the name of the zone you want to retrieve the nameservers from.

openstack record list <zone-id> --type NS --c records

Step 4
Go to your domain registrar and change the nameservers to the ones you found in the previous step.

Step 5
Wait for the nameserver change to propagate.

Note: When changing the nameservers at your domain registrar it might take a few hours before the change is propagated to the outside world.

Now that we have created a DNS zone and configured the nameservers for the DNS zone, you can start adding DNS records to the zone. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the Managing DNS Records article.

Fun fact: Did you know the DNS for is hosted using the OpenStack Designate service.