Managing DNS Records

Recordsets are used to define the DNS records for a zone. A recordset is a collection of records that share the same name. For example, a recordset named can contain multiple records (for example and A recordset named may contain records for the MX record type.

For this guide we assume you have already created a DNS Zone, if you haven’t done this yet please read the following article: Create a DNS Zone

If you want to manage your Reverse DNS records please read the article about managing reverse DNS records.

Create a Record Set

If you want to create a new recordset for a zone you can do this using the OpenStack Dashboard or the OpenStack CLI. A recordset is a collection of records that share the same name. The instructions below will guide you through the process of creating a new recordset using the OpenStack Dashboard and the OpenStack CLI.

To create a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Create a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To create a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Create a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI section.

Create a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Zones.

Step 3
Click on Create Record Set behind the zone you want to create a recordset in.

Step 4
Select the type of record you want to create for this tutorials we create an A record.

Step 5
Enter the Name for example (make sure you enter the full FQDN and that the record ends with a dot).

Step 6
Enter the Description (not required).

Step 7
Enter the TTL which stands for Time To Live, we recommend to set this to 3600 (one hour).

Step 8
Enter a Record under Records for example (You can create multiple with the Add Record button).

Step 9
Click on the Submit button after which you recordset will be created.

Your recordset will now be created. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the record is resolvable from the outside world.

Create a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2
When editing a recordset we need to know the zone id of the zone in which the recordset is located. To retrieve the zone id we can use the following command:

openstack zone list

Step 3
Now that we have the zone id we can create a recordset using the following command. Replace the <zone_id>, <record_name>, <type> and <record> with the values required for your recordset. When entering the recordname make sure the include the full FQDN and that the record ends with a dot. For example

openstack recordset create <zone_id> <record_name> --type <type> --record <record>

Note: The --record flag can be used multiple times to add multiple records to your recordset.

Note: The --type flag can be used to specify the type of record you want to create. For example A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, TXT, etc.

Note: The --ttl flag can be used to specify the Time To Live for the recordset. The default value is TTL set on your zone which is by default 3600 (one hour).

Your recordset will now be created. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the record is resolvable from the outside world.

Edit a Record Set

Editing a recordset may be needed whenever you have changed the IP address of a server or when you have changed the target of a service. For example, when you migrate away from you own loadbalancer to a loadbalancer provided by OpenStack Octavia.

To edit a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Edit a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To edit a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Edit a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI section.

Edit a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Zones.

Step 3
Click on the zone of which you want to edit the recordset.
Step 4
Click on the Record Sets tab.

Step 5
Click on the Update button behind the recordset you want to edit.

Step 6
Edit the fields you want to edit (Name, Description, TTL or Records).

Step 7
Click on the Submit button after which you recordset will be updated.

Your recordset will now be changed. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Edit a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2
When editing a recordset we need to know the zone id of the zone in which the recordset is located. To retrieve the zone id we can use the following command:

openstack zone list

Step 3 Now that we have the zone id we can list the recordsets within the zone to retrieve the id of the recordset we want to edit. Use the following command to list the recordsets within the zone and retrieve the id of the recordset you want to edit.

openstack recordset list <zone_id>

Step 4 Now that we have the zone id and the recordset id we can update the recordset using the following command. Replace the <zone_id>, <recordset_id> and <record> with the values required for your recordset.

openstack recordset set <zone_id> <recordset_id> --record <record>

Note: The --record flag can be used multiple times to add multiple records to your recordset.

Note: The --ttl flag can be used to specify the Time To Live for the recordset. The default value is TTL set on your zone which is by default 3600 (one hour).

Your recordset will now be changed. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the change is resolvable from the outside world.

Delete a Record Set

Deleting a recordset may be needed whenever you have removed a service or resource that was previously associated with the recordset. For example, when you have removed a server that was previously associated with an A record.

To delete a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard please follow the steps in the Delete a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard section.
To delete a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI please follow the steps in the Delete a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI section.

Delete a Record Set using the OpenStack Dashboard

Step 1
Login into the OpenStack Dashboard.

Step 2
Navigate to the DNS section and click on Zones.

Step 3
Click on the zone of which you want to delete the recordset.

Step 4
Click on the Record Sets tab.

Step 5
Click on the small arrow button behind the recordset you want to delete.

Step 6
Click on Delete after which you recordset will be deleted.

Your recordset will now be deleted. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the record is no longer known to the outside world.

Delete a Record Set using the OpenStack CLI

Step 1
First make sure you have setup the OpenStack CLI and that you are able to execute commands using the openstack command. For more information please refer to the Using the OpenStack CLI article.

Step 2
When editing a recordset we need to know the zone id of the zone in which the recordset is located. To retrieve the zone id we can use the following command:

openstack zone list

Step 3 Now that we have the zone id we can list the recordsets within the zone to retrieve the id of the recordset we want to edit. Use the following command to list the recordsets within the zone and retrieve the id of the recordset you want to edit.

openstack recordset list <zone_id>

Step 4 Now that we have the zone id and the recordset id we can update the recordset using the following command. Replace the <zone_id>, <recordset_id>, with the values required for your recordset.

openstack recordset delete <zone_id> <recordset_id>

Your recordset will now be deleted. Depending on the time to live of the record it might take a few minutes/hours before the record is no longer known to the outside world.